Ruffling My Feathers

Some of you may have remembered when I was contemplating getting Feather Hair Extensions. If you missed the post, you can see it here. Anyhoo---I never got them. Call me chicken, dethrone me from my beauty guru status, do whatever...but I didn't. Nonetheless, I have fallen in love with other feather accessories. So, if you are in love with the feather fad as much as I am but can't commit to feather extensions, here are some fancy feather alternatives for you:

Feather Earrings:

I LOVE the look of feathered earrings. It gives the appearance of feather hair extensions without the commitment.

Feather Headbands:

Ooh La La...
Which is your favorite? I have to say the peacock feather dress is mine!

1 comment:

  1. I just bought the purple version of the top feathered headband while my husband looked on aghast...can't wait to rock it!-)
    The Epic Adventures of a Modern Mom



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