Getting Fit!

For all of you who have commented and emailed me {sidenote: instead of emailing me - why not just leave a comment - I betchya there are plenty of other people with your same question} wondering what my progress has been on my Barre3 Challenge - it is working fabulously!

So far, I lost 1 3/4" from my waist, a 1/2" from my bust {hee hee} and a 1/2" from each thigh! The more I do the workout, the more I crave doing it. It makes my heart thump and muscles ache while I am doing it and then the end stretch leaves me feeling calmer, taller and leaner than before. I am totally attributing my 1/2" growth {I just went to the doc who measured me at 5'2" rather than my typical 5'1" or 5 1 1/2"} to the stretches. I feel more flexible and even the hubs commented that my bummy looks higher and my abs look fab {not those exact words, mind you but something close}!

The downside? There are no more DVD's for me to move onto after I finish my 6 week challenge with this one. Also - there are no classes anywhere near me - I am DYING to try an actual 1 hour in-studio Barre3 workout!

Other than that, I will be trying out CANFO FlushMe 2 Day Detox and the Sarah McNamara Miracle Skin Transformer moisturizer to help me look my best at the end of my challenge!

How are all of you doing on your Barre3 Challenge? I know one of our readers commented that it took her quite awhile to get through the ab workout without taking breaks and shedding some tears. I feel ya on that one but my abs are looking better each time I do it! Keep it up gals!

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