Plus-size model Crystal Renn made headlines recently because of a company that airbrushed her from a size 10 to a size 2. Did they think that this horrible airbrush alteration would go over okay with the model or is this some kind of ploy to create a buzz about their company?
First of all, a woman who is almost 6 feet tall and a size 10 isn’t plus-size in my mind, but just normal. Second of all, it sickens me that they would cut, alter and do away with her curves to get her to look like a size 2!
The world has gone bonkers when they think that giving girls eating disorders is a good way to sell clothes. Personally, I like to see women who look like ‘me’ or any other average gal wearing a company’s clothes. This way I can get a realistic picture of how it will look.
What do you think readers? Do you think that the company was trying to create some buzz or were they simply being super rude when cutting her down to size (so to speak)?
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